Waxing Myths You Shouldn't Buy Into

28 March 2017
 Categories: , Articles


Waxing is one of the most common and lasting methods for basic hair removal. Unfortunately, some people avoid waxing or some open themselves up for unnecessary injury because of commonly believed waxing myths. Learn more about these myths and the truth behind them before deciding if waxing is not right for you.

1. Waxing gives you infections.

While skin can sometimes be irritated after your first waxing session, waxing should never cause infection when done well. A professional waxing salon uses disposable, sanitary products for each patient. No items that directly touch the skin are ever reused. The risk of getting an infection because of shared waxing materials at a professional salon is nearly non-existent.

Following your wax, you should give your skin time to fully heal. Removing your hair does temporarily expose your skin to outside bacteria and viruses, just like ti would if you have cut on your finger. Keep the area dressed and clean, and refrain from intimate activities until you have properly healed from your wax. If you waxed your legs or face, try to keep the areas clean and refrain from touching them as much as you can for a several hours. If you get a bikini wax, following the recommended care procedures of hygiene and sexual safety will give you the protection you need.

2. You can get waxed any time.

There actually is a method to discovering the best time to get a wax. Generally, it's best to avoid waxing at all if you're on your period. This is not only because you might feel self-conscious about bleeding or discharge, but also because of increased inflammation near your genital region during menstruation. More blood flow can often mean greater pain. Instead, wait for Aunt Flo to leave completely, and choose to get waxed a week or so after your period has ended.

3. You can go right back in to working out.

You shouldn't plan to hit the gym right after your waxing session. While waxing really isn't a major procedure, you still expose your open hair follicles briefly after the hair is removed. It's best wear clean, loose fitting under wear and breathable clothing, not tight spandex shorts. Friction, gym showers, or the swimming pool can increase your discomfort. 

Schedule a waxing session at the end of your day. This way, you can take it easy when you get home and benefit from eight hours of healing sleep before having to get dressed. Go about your normal activities, but leave workouts (in and out of the bedroom) for a couple of days.

4. You don't need to prepare your skin for waxing.

This is a very damaging myth. Waxing is most effective and least damaging when you've done your best to prepare. Many women who have bad experiences with waxing have them because they have not sufficiently prepared. Exfoliation, for example, helps to soften the skin, making the hair much easier to remove. 

Moisturizing is also essential for waxing success on arms and legs. Dry skin is more likely to break, peel, or crack, making the procedure much more painful than it has to be. Follow the preparation advice your salon recommends before your appointment. These tips help to keep your skin healthy and ensure the quality of your waxing experience. 

5. You have to have really long hair to wax.

This really depends on the area of the body. For first time waxers, it may be best to have a little extra hair than normal to ensure better shaping and a good grip. However, waxing eyebrows takes almost no length at all. 

For more information on waxing, contact a local bikini wax service.